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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Anchor In the Spirit Within first and See its Radiance Everywhere. With Dr. Edward Viljoen April 21, 2024

Join us this Sunday, April 21th, at 9 or 11 a.m. for our celebration service as we dive deeper into our April "Giant Gentleness" theme with Dr. Edward Viljoen!

This month's theme explores the intriguing combination of "giant" and "gentleness." At first glance, these words may seem contradictory, with "giant" evoking thoughts of power and enormity, while "gentleness" suggests a soft touch. However, when we merge these concepts, we discover that gentleness, expressed through loving kindness, possesses immense power.

Last week, we focused on applying gentleness to our relationships, emphasizing four key ideas:

  1. Tuning into the source of all there is.
  2. Making a choice to be present and listen attentively.
  3. Developing a strong sense of self-awareness.
  4. Practicing observation without interference.

This week, using the same four ideas, our focus shifts to "Taking It to the Streets," extending these principles beyond our personal relationships and into the wider world.

Applying giant gentleness to those we already love may feel easier, albeit still challenging. The foundation of affection makes it more accessible, facilitating experiences of oneness, forgiveness, and trust. Yet, when we extend this gentleness to unfamiliar territory—when closeness and affection are yet to be developed—we face a new opportunity for growth. It's a chance to remain rooted in our compassionate hearts, even amidst unfamiliar or challenging circumstances.

In times like these, it's common to hear phrases like "We are living in the most divisive time in human history." However, historical documentaries offer a different perspective, reminding us that divisiveness has always existed. Life continually allows us to practice staying centered in our peace amidst turmoil.

This teaching is not about avoiding difficult topics or challenges; rather, it's about finding refuge in our spiritual practice so we can confront them with clarity and compassion. By tuning into the wholeness of inner presence, we become sensitively attuned to the world's troubles, responding from a place of deep understanding and kindness.

Dr. Viljoen shares a poignant personal experience from his time as a pastoral care minister during the AIDS epidemic. Confronted with profound suffering, he learned to anchor himself in the truth of spiritual wholeness, allowing him to see the radiant spirit within each individual, regardless of physical afflictions. This practice of giant gentleness—rooted in compassion and centeredness—became his guiding light in times of darkness.

Dr. Ernest Holmes reminds us that our spiritual work is to relieve our minds of fear, allowing our thoughts to reflect the deep inner feeling that comes from union with the spirit. This involves consciously choosing to be present, repeatedly returning to the seat of compassion within us until it becomes second nature.

There may be confusion about whether spiritual practitioners should engage in worldly matters like social justice or politics. The answer lies in maintaining a mind cleared of fear, anchored in the truth of oneness, and acting from that center with humility, kindness, and love.

As we continue our journey of giant gentleness, let us remember to approach others with humility, kindness, and love, bringing the light of truth into the world. Together, we'll discover that this practice is not just a personal endeavor but the foundation of collective healing.

Join us this Sunday as we explore cosmic gentleness, building upon the lessons learned throughout April. Let's embody the power of giant gentleness and usher in a world of compassion and understanding.

See you there!

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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Join Dr. Edward for a Celebration of Gentleness: April 14 Service at the Spiritual Community Center

This April, we focus on the power of gentleness and its impact on our relationships and inner well-being. I’ve recently been exploring how to infuse more gentleness into my life and interactions, drawing inspiration from a recent awe-inspiring experience during a total solar eclipse in Austin, Texas.

Despite the cloudy skies that threatened our view, the eclipse reminded us of the spectacular happenings behind the scenes—much like the moments in our spiritual lives obscured by the clouds of every day worries. This experience has led me to reflect on four key ideas to cultivate gentleness:

Connecting with the Ultimate Source of Power: Start by anchoring in the spiritual light within. This connection is fundamental, as it's easy to mistakenly look to others for fulfillment when, in fact, our true source is seated within our own hearts.

Listening Attentively: Genuine listening can transform relationships. It’s about hearing beyond words and understanding the deeper messages being communicated. We'll reflect on Robert McCloskey's wisdom, who illustrated the nuances of communication beautifully.

Developing a Strong Sense of Self: Knowing who you are, your values, and your boundaries is crucial when encountering differing viewpoints. This self-awareness allows you to interact with the world from a place of strength and clarity.

Observing Life: Approach life with less fixing and more letting be. By observing rather than reacting to life’s fluctuations, we gain the clarity to know when and how to act gently and effectively.

During our eclipse adventure, moments of clarity through the clouds were fleeting yet unforgettable. They reminded me that life’s most significant events often happen behind the scenes. Spiritual practice is about staying alert and ready, much like keeping our eclipse glasses on, prepared for the moment the clouds part.

Our spiritual practices might differ—centered breathing, humming Aum, writing gratitude notes, or performing acts of generosity—but they are all designed to remind us that the source of life’s energy, though occasionally obscured, is always present.

As we gather this Sunday, April 14, for our celebration services at 9 AM and 11 AM, let us unite to deepen our connection to the spiritual source, enhance our listening skills, solidify our self-understanding, and practice observing life’s flow without urgency.

Let’s embrace gentleness not just as a practice but as a way of being that enriches our lives and those around us. Join us in exploring these spiritual practices and share in the collective experience of the spiritual community. Whether the skies of life are clear or clouded, our inner light remains, guiding and uplifting us. Together, let us explore the power of gentleness and the enduring radiance of the spirit within each of us.

Time: 9 AM and 11 AM

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Saturday, March 30, 2024

A Celebration of Renewal and Awakening: Our Sunday, March 31st Celebration Service. Dr. Edward Viljoen

This Sunday, we will reflect on the season we find ourselves in. As the natural world around us awakens with new life, we, too, are invited to step into a space of renewal and growth. This past Wednesday evening, we gathered for our spring equinox community potluck, celebrating the beginning of spring and the promise of new beginnings. On March 24th, the Festival of Colors, Holi reminded us of the joy of embracing our true colors and the emergence of our best selves. Amidst the observance of Ramadan, we are reminded of the virtues of patience, kindness, and strengthening our connection with the Divine through fasting and charity. And though this year Passover will be observed a bit later, on April 22, it too calls us to remember the themes of liberation and renewal that spring brings.

Easter Sunday, we come together to celebrate the continuity and renewal of all life.

The lyrics of the song we will enjoy touch upon themes of liberation, rebirth, and the profound peace that comes with embracing our true essence:

"Now is the time when I let go of my fears, inhibitions, and sense of dread, When I give up control and let you hold me with no resistance in my soul, This is the day that I throw it all away to the fire of the all-loving one, Now, I have just what I need to be free to be who I really am, Here is the place where I fall into grace and release into the sweetness of your love, I surrender, I remember the light and the beauty that I am."

These words capture the essence of spiritual living—moving through moments of fear and doubt with the courage to let go and trust in the Divine presence within us.

Our journey to freedom and self-discovery is often marked by challenges and moments of uncertainty. Yet, in these moments, we are called to remember the peace that rests quietly within our consciousness, undisturbed by the storms that rage around us. Like the disciples in the boat during the storm, we, too, may forget the power of inner peace when faced with adversity. However, there is always a presence within us, calm and at rest, ready to say, "Peace, be still," and bring us back to tranquility.

This season, we are reminded that the Self within is beyond the reach of any storm or challenge we may face. It invites us to tune into its renewing presence in our lives and remain centered even when tempted to forget.

As we navigate personal and global challenges, let us remember to pause and ask ourselves where our attention is. If necessary, let us reroute our focus toward peace, especially when life feels overwhelming. It is not about denying our feelings or becoming actionless but about taking a moment to reconnect with the transformative energy of the Divine presence, allowing it to guide us toward love, understanding, and new beginnings.

This Easter, let us embrace the spirit of resurrection within each of us. Let us be reminded of the perpetual cycle of renewal, the power of forgiveness, and the courage to begin again.

I invite you to join us this Sunday, March 31st, for our Celebration Service at 9 or 11 am, in person or online. Together, let us embrace the new life that spring brings, awakening to our potential every day, and living in the joy of perpetual rebirth.

Peace, peace, peace. Amen.
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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Tell Me Something Good with Dr. Edward Viljoen - March 17, 2024

This week's topic is "Tell Me Something Good," where we'll delve into the essence of good news and how it shapes our spiritual journey. Just like in the Christian tradition where the Good News signifies the message and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, we, too, have our version of Good News at the Center.

At the heart of our philosophy lies the belief in a creative power that flows through each of us, empowering us to direct our lives intentionally. Imagine having the ability to shape your reality, to move beyond limitations imposed by circumstances or societal norms. It's an empowering concept, one that has changed lives, including mine.

But as with any profound revelation, it's easy to forget amidst the chaos of everyday life. How often have you found yourself consumed by negativity and fixated on things beyond your control?

I've been there, lost in a whirlwind of frustration and helplessness.

Yet, I've also experienced the power of remembering. Like when I was in the breathtaking beauty of a California desert, my mind was clouded by anger over a recent injustice. It took a small, tender moment—the sight of a deceased mouse—to jolt me back to the present and remind me of the good news.

The good news is not just a philosophy; it's a practical guide to living a fulfilling life. It's about shifting our awareness, practicing acceptance, and cultivating gratitude. It's about releasing control over others and prioritizing self-care. It's about engaging in productive activities and affirming our connection to Spirit.

So, I invite you to join me tomorrow as we explore these themes together. Whether you join us online or in person, you'll be part of a community dedicated to growth, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Together, let's affirm:
  • I have complete confidence that the Spirit guides me toward peace.
  • I release all sense of condemnation and animosity.
  • I embrace each moment as an opportunity for growth.
  • I draw upon the boundless energy of Spirit to live my life.

Join us for a transformative experience at our Sunday service tomorrow, March 17, 2024, at either 9 AM or 11 AM, either online via YouTube or in person at the Center for Spiritual Living.

Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash
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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Is What I'm Upset About Worth Being Upset About? If So, Let Me Act in A Way I Haven't Before

We gather for services at 9 and 11 am, embracing a theme that challenges us to confront the familiar with fresh eyes and an adventurous spirit. "That's How We've Never Done It!" encapsulates our call to explore life's boundless opportunities, urging us not to be constrained by past experiences but to venture into the uncharted territories of our lives with energy and creativity.

Yet, as I reflect on the excitement of discovery and the joy of new beginnings, I'm also acutely aware of the world's complex realities. The excitement of imagining what's possible coexists with the gravity of current global challenges. It's a delicate balance to maintain, holding space for both tomorrow's potential and today's pressing concerns.

The recent years have been transformative, to say the least. The pandemic, social movements, and ongoing global conflicts, like those in Gaza, have not only tested our resilience but also sharpened our focus on what truly matters. These events remind us of our shared humanity, the power of unity, and the importance of staying connected to the world around us, even as we seek to transcend its immediate troubles.

As I listened to a poignant story on public radio about a displaced family in Gaza, the resilience and dignity of individuals facing unimaginable adversity struck a chord with me. It reminded me that maintaining focus amidst chaos is not just a survival tactic but a profound lesson in prioritizing what's truly important.

In these sensitive times, our theme, "That's How We've Never Done It," is an invitation to reimagine how we can live and support one another differently. It challenges me to shift my focus from minor irritations to what brings true meaning to my life and take action to support those who have no voice. This reevaluation is not about ignoring the challenges we face but about finding ways to navigate them with heart and purpose.

Reflecting on conversations with colleagues like Rev. Shiela McKeithan, I'm reminded that now, more than ever, is the time to deepen our spiritual practice. It's a call to action, to not withdraw but to engage more fully with the world, to bring our most compassionate selves to the forefront of every interaction, whether in our personal relationships or in our broader community engagements.

This moment in history is a collective awakening, a realization that we are all interconnected parts of a global society. It's an acknowledgment that our actions, or inactions, have a profound impact on the world. Embracing this understanding, I'm committed to upleveling my spiritual practice, to serving as a beacon of hope and healing in a world that so desperately needs it.

In this spirit, I invite each of you to join us today, not just to learn about setting intentions but to actively participate in a communal journey towards deeper understanding, compassion, and action. It is my intention that today's service will inspire us to explore how we can each contribute to a more loving, just, and vibrant world, starting with the intentions we set and the actions we take.

Together, let's step into our compassionate hearts, fueled with the courage to imagine, the willingness to act, and the wisdom to navigate the complexities of our time with grace and determination. Let's not be content with the status quo but dare to dream of what could be, so that the energy of our imagination can guide us to speak, act, and pray in support of a world that refocuses value on sentient life.


This afternoon, we open our doors to a workshop designed for all who wish to learn the art of setting intentions that propel us forward with purpose and inventiveness. This session is not merely about envisioning the future; it's a deep dive into the practices that allow us to draw from life's infinite wellspring with intention and grace.

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Monday, February 19, 2024

Is It Going to Be a Tough Year in 2024?

As we stand on the threshold of 2024, I find myself contemplating the journey ahead. It's tempting to say it's going to be a tough year, but perhaps that's not the most empowering stance to take. Instead, I believe it's crucial to recognize the power within us—a power that connects us to everything, enabling us to see clearly, think wisely, and act decisively. This inner strength is what will guide us through the year, not just in navigating our personal lives but in the broader context of social and political engagement.

The Role of Positive Thinking

Affirmative thinking and positivity are powerful tools, yet they come with a caveat. They must not lead us into a state of complacency or avoidance. The story of the grasshopper and the ants, as told by Aesop, serves as a poignant reminder of this truth. While the grasshopper lived in the moment, enjoying the summer without a care, the ants worked hard to prepare for the winter. This fable highlights the importance of preparation and foresight—qualities that are especially relevant as we approach a year filled with challenges and decisions.

2024, an election year in the United States, will undoubtedly call upon us to engage with social issues, platforms, and the values of those who aspire to lead. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of this task or to believe that our efforts won't make a difference. However, adopting a mindset of slow, steady, and deliberate action can empower us to learn, decide, and act in ways that align with our deepest values.

Spirituality in an Election Year

This year, I am committed to making every day count. I refuse to succumb to the notion that my voice doesn't matter or that I am powerless to effect change. Instead, I choose to believe that each of us has a unique and vital role to play in shaping our world. It's about finding a balance between living in the moment and planning for the future, between joy and responsibility, between the grasshopper's spontaneity and the ant's diligence.

As part of this commitment, I am engaging with the electoral process in a more intentional and informed way. I am asking myself what issues and values are most important to me as a voter. I am scrutinizing the funding and positions of candidates, not just accepting their messages at face value but seeking to understand their hearts and the implications of their policies. Through text messages and direct inquiries, I am actively questioning candidates, demanding answers that go beyond generic responses. This approach is not about finding a perfect candidate but about ensuring that those who seek to represent us are aware of what is spiritually, emotionally, economically, and humanitarily important to their constituents.

Learn, Grow, Contribute

This year is not just about facing challenges; it's about embracing the opportunity to grow, learn, and contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world. It's about recognizing that our spiritual values can and should inform our political decisions. By starting today, we can make 2024 a year of meaningful change, both within ourselves and in the world around us.

Let's embark on this journey together, equipped with clarity, compassion, and the courage to ask the hard questions. Let's make this the year we embrace our power to create change, guided by our deepest values and the unshakeable belief in our collective ability to make a difference.
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Sunday, February 18, 2024

How to Change Your Mind

Changing one's mind, especially on deeply held beliefs or opinions, is a complex process that involves several steps and is influenced by various factors. The journey to change one's mind can be broadly outlined in stages, each with its own challenges and benefits. While specific models can vary, a general process can include:

  • Encountering Contradictory Information: The first step often involves exposure to new information that challenges existing beliefs or opinions. This can occur through reading, conversations, taking spiritual classes, or personal experiences.
  • Cognitive Dissonance: The new information creates a conflict with existing beliefs, leading to cognitive dissonance. This is the uncomfortable feeling of holding two conflicting thoughts without being reactive, which motivates the individual to resolve the inconsistency.
  • Openness to Change: The individual must be open to considering new information and perspectives. This openness can be influenced by various factors, including curiosity, the source's credibility, and the individual's willingness to admit another way may be possible.
  • Critical Evaluation: The person critically evaluates the new information, as well as their existing beliefs. This involves reflective thinking, seeking out additional sources, and weighing the evidence.
  • Adoption of New Beliefs: If the new information is persuasive enough, the individual may adjust their point of view to embrace it. This can be a gradual process, where beliefs shift over time as more information is absorbed and reflected upon.
  • Integration: Finally, the new belief is integrated into the individual's broader worldview, influencing their actions and attitudes.


  • Confirmation Bias: The tendency to favor information that confirms existing beliefs and to dismiss information that contradicts them.
  • Personal Identity: Beliefs closely tied to one's identity can be particularly resistant to change, as changing the belief might feel like a loss of self.
  • Social and Environmental Factors: Social pressures, group identity, and environmental factors can reinforce existing beliefs and discourage change.


  • Growth and Learning: Changing one's mind in light of new evidence is a sign of intellectual growth and adaptability.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Being open to changing one's mind can lead to better decision-making, as it allows for the incorporation of a broader range of information.
  • Enhanced Relationships: Flexibility in thinking can improve relationships, as it fosters understanding and reduces conflict.


Research in psychology and neuroscience shows that changing one's mind is both possible and part of human nature. Studies in cognitive dissonance, persuasion, and neuroplasticity demonstrate that the brain is capable of adapting to new information and changing beliefs. However, the ease with which a person changes their mind varies widely depending on the belief's nature, the individual's personality, and the context.

For example, research by Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) on cognitive dissonance provides insight into how encountering conflicting information can lead to a change in beliefs or attitudes to reduce psychological discomfort. Meanwhile, studies on persuasion and attitude change, such as the Elaboration Likelihood Model proposed by Petty and Cacioppo in the 1980s, explore the conditions under which people are more likely to be persuaded and change their minds.

While changing one's mind can be challenging due to psychological biases and social factors, it is certainly possible and can lead to significant personal and spiritual benefits. The key lies in fostering an inner environment that encourages openness, critical thinking, and a willingness to consider new information.

View the Center's Spiritual Education Calendar here: https://cslsr.org/education-calendar/

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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Are You Falling into The Same Hole Again? February 18, 2024, with Dr. Edward Viljoen

Tomorrow, we'll dive into "Autobiography in Five Chapters" by Portia Nelson. This story is a simple yet powerful reminder of how easily we can fall into familiar patterns and the strength it takes to choose a different path. It's about recognizing our habits, understanding their impact, and consciously deciding to make a change. This discussion is timely, especially as we navigate the complexities of our lives and the world around us.  The topic is "Pain Pushes until Vision Pulls."

Additionally, we have a book exchange event scheduled between the first and second services. This is more than just swapping books; it's an opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, and interests with one another. Don't worry if you don't have a book to bring; there will be plenty available for you to choose from and take home. This event is a testament to our community's generosity and openness.

Tomorrow's topic is a reminder of the importance of being present, intentional, and open to change.  We will also explore what it means to change your mind.  Life is full of unexpected turns and learning opportunities. It's up to us to embrace them, grow, and support each other along the way.

I look forward to seeing you at the Center.

Warm regards,

Edward Viljoen
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

P.S. The book exchange is a great chance to find something new to read and share. Whether you brought a book or not, you're sure to leave with something that sparks your interest. 

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